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Become A Club Board Member

Our Annual Pickleball Club Meeting will be held on October 30, 2019 at the Dollar Club House. It will start at Noon. The purpose of the meeting is to elect new Board Members. There are two (2) seats open on the Board for the 2020 calendar year. Candidates are not running for a particular position, but will serve in whatever capacity the Board mutually decides. All dues paying members have full voting privileges at the annual membership meeting.

In accordance with our Bylaws, Article IV, Section 1, a Nominating Committee shall be appointed by the President, with the advice and consent of the Board members. The Nominating Committee for 2019 (2020 calendar year) includes Steve Zell, Dorothy Prokop and Marie Lee. The Board met with the Nominating Committee on Monday, September 16th to explain the process and to give them guidance about some of the attributes the candidates should have. The Nominating Committee is seeking candidates.The Nominating Committee will provide the names of people nominated to the Board of Directors no later than October 15, 2019.

If you're interested in joining the Board, please contact the Nominating Committee at one of the following email addresses by October 2nd.

  • Steve Zell:

  • Marie Lee:

  • Dorothy Prokop:

If you were not nominated but have a desire to run for a board seat, you must submit a petition seven (7) days prior to the election and must include the signatures of at least ten (10) club members in good standing. Please submit the petition to the club mail slot at Gateway. That club member shall then be considered as nominated for election to the Board of Directors and will be included on the ballot.


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